Book Review: Glorification

In Glorification, Graham Cole explores the doctrine of glorification and the implications for believers both in this world and in the next. In the first chapter, Cole examines how the term “glory” is used in the Bible especially in relation to God, His character, and His works. In Scripture, God’s glory is often associated with His greatness, honour, majesty, power, and praise. The author surveys both Old and New Testament passages that focus on different elements of God’s glory and how God’s people respond when encountering His glory. From Genesis to Revelation, there are numerous examples of the magnificence of God’s glory and how He wishes to share His glory with us. However, the depraved nature of the human race prevents us from entering His glorious presence unless we are clothed with the righteousness of Christ who came to dwell among us in the flesh. Cole mentions that God’s glory is not one of His attributes but an overarching summary term that describes the vastness and richness of God’s character and attributes. The next chapter highlights how the future glorification of our bodies is made possible through the work of Christ. Cole suggests that the Bible’s storyline follows the pattern of a U-shaped comedy that begins with joy and harmony as Adam and Eve enjoy God’s presence unabated. This initial blessed state is lost as Adam and Eve succumb to Satan’s temptations resulting in banishment from the garden. Yet God chose to save us through the sending of His Son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins so that we can be adopted into the family of God. In fact, Jesus’ own incarnation, death, and resurrection is also U-shaped in that He set aside His glory and humbled Himself to receive the suffering and death that we deserve. The gospel then is the story of not only our glorification as co-heirs with Christ but is most importantly, the glorification of God Himself in the person and work of Christ. Cole mentions that our glorification is also vocational in that our role and mission as God’s image bearers has been recovered through Christ. In the third chapter, the author explains the pathway by which glorification takes place in the believer. To begin, Cole first analyzes the role each member of the Trinity plays as being distinct yet indivisible in the glorification of the believer. The Father draws us to Him to share in His glory thus we are to live worthy lives that bring glory to His name. The Son is the One who bring God’s glory to our midst through His incarnation and His sacrifice is the method by which we can experience God’s glory. Lastly, the Spirit applies God’s glory to us by His indwelling and empowering presence that transforms us from the inside. The author states two paradoxes of glory found in the Christian faith that runs against the teachings of the world. Firstly, although we are physically wasting away, our inner selves are being renewed every day as we proceed towards eternal glory. Secondly, before we experience our future glory, we will experience trials and tribulations as followers of the suffering Servant who bore all the guilt and shame of the human race. Thus, true glory is not glamorous or self-promoting but a lifelong call of obedience and sacrificial love. In chapter four, Cole explores our eternal state in detail including how and when we will experience the final resurrection. The author first reviews the stages of Christ’s resurrection as a blueprint of how our resurrection would transpire given that Jesus is the firstfruits of our salvation. Next, Cole considers the different viewpoints on the timing by which believers will receive their resurrected bodies. Regardless of one’s conviction regarding the timing of our glorification, the end result is that glorified believers will be able to perfectly fulfill the creation mandate to rule as kings and queens in the new creation. We will also be honoured and rewarded in varying degrees of glory according to our faithfulness to God during our earthly lives. Lastly, Cole discusses aspects of the new heavens and new earth including its purpose, activity, beauty, cultural wealth, and holiness. As such, we ought not to overly concentrate on details about heaven but fix our eyes on the city of God that will one day descend from heaven onto earth. The final chapter answers the question of who will be included or excluded from glorification. Cole points out that bodily resurrection is clearly taught in the Bible and reiterated throughout the centuries of Christian thought and doctrine. Furthermore, Scripture also reveals to us that there are two books of eternal significance: a book of deeds and a book of life. The former book records all the works committed during one’s earthly life of which each individual will be judged. The latter book contains the names of those who can enter into the new Jerusalem to experience the glory of God forever. On the other hand, those who are not found in the book of life will be subject to the torturous fire of hell and excluded from the divine presence of God permanently. Thus, all who wish to enter into the city of God must first be united to Christ so that by His righteousness, their names will be found written in the book of life.

I recommend this book to all Christians as the doctrine of glorification does not typically receive as much attention as other core doctrines such as justification and sanctification. For many believers, the end goal of salvation is simply getting into heaven but Cole argues that glorification plays a much more central role to the Christian life. Our glorification begins during our earthly lives when we are united with Christ in His death and resurrection so that we are being continually transformed to reflect God’s glory. Moreover, we are called to a lifelong pursuit of obedience, holiness, and faith to persevere in the midst of suffering just as Christ did. In addition, Christians are co-heirs with Christ as they begin fulfilling the creation mandate to spread God’s glory throughout the earth. Most importantly, with our glorified bodies, we can enter into the glory of His eternal presence and enjoy Him forever.

In compliance with Federal Trade Commission regulations, I was provided a review copy of this book from Crossway.